“While the community was absolutely wonderful over Christmas and got us restocked, we were so low that I don’t think we’re going to fare well from basically April to October,” Thomson said.
Red Deer Advocate, Susan Zielinksi, Jan 31st 2024 article

Red Deer Food Bank Continues to Struggle
As with all other aspects of their Hamper distribution numbers, the number of adults served has dramatically increased since 2020. Red Deer Food Bank has seen a 95.4% percent increase in demand, with a monthly average of 1,413 adults served. And that’s an average, March is a peak month for need, as after paying the winter bills (let’s all think back to the cold snap in January….those bills are coming…) there can be hardly anything left for groceries.
I’m sure that most of us can relate to a time when we were stressed out about getting all the bills paid, just imagine worrying about ensuring your child’s belly and brain are being fed… watching them go to bed hungry, wake up hungrier and hoping that someone will share with them at school. Or maybe it’s the grandma who’s outlived the rest of her family and she can’t afford the price of groceries on her OAS, starving in her home.
It makes my tummy hurt and tears prick my eyes, so let’s work together to help. Go through your pantry, have you got 4 cans of beans? A flat of tomatoes from Costco? Soup, broth, extra spaghetti? We’re collecting donations, you can bring them to us or give us a call, and we’ll even swing by to pick stuff up – no problem.
Hamper Items Accepted:
Each hamper is a prepacked box meant to feed 1-2 people for 5-7 days. The larger the household, the more boxes are given out (to a maximum of 3 per household). There is a limit of one hamper order every 4 weeks per household.
- Canned meats
- Canned tomato products
- Canned fruit
- Canned vegetables
- Canned beans
- Canned soup
- Canned “heat & eat” meals
- Peanut butter
- Mac & Cheese products
- Rice
- Pasta
- Dry Cereal
- Dry Soup
- Baby formula
- baby food
- Juice boxes
- School snacks
- Pet food
- Razors
- Toothbrushes
- Soap
- Deodorant
- Period products (tampons, pads, etc)
Pantry Items Accepted:
Red Deer Residents can visit the pantry once a day, two to three times per week.
- Bread
- Baked goods
- Cookies
- Crackers
- Snack Foods
- Meal Kits
- Salad dressings
- Condiments
- Produce
- Meat
- Dairy products
- Margarine
- Cake mixes
If you’ve got donations but you aren’t able to get them here, please give us a call at the office – we are happy to help!